Department of the Interior Objects to Motion of Stay for Florida Sports Betting

The battle for rages on, as the U.S. Department of the Interior today officially opposed a requested motion for stay of a mandate to restore a 2021 Florida Gaming Compact.

West Flagler, who the motion for stay on Sept. 15, now has until Monday, Oct. 2, to respond to the Department of the Interior s (DOI) official objection.

So what does this mean exactly? It means that Floridians will likely have to wait another week for West Flagler to submit a response and for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to review the document. A decision on whether or not to grant the stay will likely come soon thereafter.

U.S. Department of Interior Believes Stay Not Warranted

West Flagler  a stay of the mandate on Friday, Sept. 15, close to midnight, intending …